
See also Middle Passage and the Love of Liberty: Texts and Sources



Carrington,Selwyn H. H. The Sugar Industry and the Abolition of the Slave Trade,1775–1810. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2002. 394pp. $59.95(cloth).

In areview in the International Third World Studies Journal and Review, VolumeXV, 2004 Thomas C. Buchanan writes: Sixty years after the publication of EricWilliams’ Capitalism and Slavery the debate over the cause of theBritish anti-slavery movement still rages. Did the decline of the profitabilityof slavery in the British West Indies provide the material conditions necessaryfor an effective abolitionist movement to rise? Or was abolition caused (by) amoral revolution in the English populace that overcame a profitable trade andthe West Indian interests that represented it? The writings of revisionisthistorians Seymour Drescher and David Brion Davis have argued strongly againstthe Marxist interpretation. (Carrington) . . . offers a meticulously researchedand convincing rebuttal to these scholars.

Clarke,John Henrik. Christopher Columbus & the Afrikan holocaust: slavery &the 
rise ofEuropean capitalism. Brooklyn, N.Y.: A & B Brooks, c1992.

Fox-Genovese,Elizabeth and Eugene D. Genovese, Fruits of merchant capital: slavery andbourgeois property in the rise and expansion of capitalism Oxford UniversityPress, 1983.

Solow,Barbara L. British capitalism and Caribbean slavery: the legacy of EricWilliams. Studies in interdisciplinary history. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]; NewYork: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

Williams,Eric, Capitalism and Slavery (London: André Deutsch, 1964),