
See also Miscellaneous: Texts and Sources



Brathwaite, Edward, Rights of Passage, OUP, 1967

Brathwaite, Edward, Masks, OUP, 1968

Harris, Joseph, ed, Global dimensions of the African Diaspora

Kreamer, Christine Mullen,Contested Terrain: Cultural Negotiation and Ghana's Cape Coast CastleExhibition, "Crossroads of People, Crossroads of Trade" Forthcoming in
Ralph A. Austen and Kenneth Warren (eds.), The Atlantic Slave Trade inAfrican and Diaspora  Memory.  Duke University Press, ca. 2002.

Newbury, C. W., TheWestern Slave Coast and its Rulers, Oxford, 1961.

Verger, Pierre. Bahia and theWest African trade, 1549-1851 Published for the Institute of African Studies bylbadan university Press,.1970.


Cheryl Finley: The Door of (No) Return
Identity politics and cultural heritage tourism in Ghana
Common-Place: Special Edition on American Slavery (
.. . I traveled to Ghana to conduct research in the historic castles anddungeons of Cape Coast and Elmina. . . . I went there to study how the curatorsof these sites reconstructed the history of the slave trade, and how visitorsinteracted with the history exhibitions and the physical environment.Specifically, I wanted to understand how visitors formulated ideas aboutremembrance, cultural identity, and heritage in the space of the monuments. . .